On the Gym
Why is it that when I go to the gym, I'm the only one who makes working out look hard? I guess that's not entirely true because the old guys make it look pretty rough too. Maybe that's how you know when you're an old guy: when you sweat more than the rest of the gym combined.
I've been working out relatively regularly for about 3 weeks and I still haven't figured out how to make jogging in place or riding a stationary bike look attractive or cool. Hell, I haven't figured out how to make it look like I'm not having a heart attack. Worse, whenever I try to actually lift weights, I always end up next to Joe Watch-How-Easy-I-Lift-4-Times-As-Much-As-The-Staffman. Fortunately, I check my pride at the weight room door.
Nevertheless, the beauty that comes from privilege (or vice-versa) can't keep me down. My collar may be blue, (except when I sweat and then it turns this weird dark gray, nearly black color...) and I'll be damned if I'll let Billy UnderArmor or Tad Abercrombie run me off. In fact, tomorrow I'm going to do an extra set just for the ladies.
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