Deadwood, Update and Correction
As of yet, I've only found one television show that I watched even somewhat religiously (except the Dukes of Hazard when I was very young. I'm pretty sure that Dukes of Hazard is solely responsible for what little respect I maintain for Chrysler/Dodge). That show is FX's The Shield, introduced to me by the proprietor of (you should check it out... he's a genious). If you haven't seen it, I don't have enough time to go into it here, but it's worth getting basic cable just for that one show.
However, a buddy of mine from Kentucky (who will now be referred to as Kentucky) had me over last night to watch Deadwood on HBO. It's pretty good, even though there was no killing in this episode. (I'm sure that it was a strategic decision, because there were several scenes dealing with how kidney stones were removed in the 19th Century. I can only say that it involved a long, curved tube-like instrument and male genitalia...). I think I'm going to give Deadwood a try because the plot is pretty intriguing and the dialogue is excellent. On top of all that, this show is single-handedly breathing new life into the term "cocksucker."
The Staffbro has returned to the hallowed home of the Buckeyes safe and sound and angrier than Michael Jackson forced to do community service at an all-girls school.
I stated earlier that the "Cycos" were a local rap group. After extensive research (which consisted of looking at the back of the cd cover) I've come to find out that they are based in Chattanooga. (Hence the refrain to one of their songs C-H-A (aaaaa) T-T-A (aaaaa) N to the O to the O G A) They're still pretty good. I know a guy from Chattanooga... I'm going to see if he can rap the next time I see him.
I'm far from a genius, but you sure are, Staffman, and so are the creators of "The Shield."
P.S. - I don't know if spelling "genius" wrong in referring to me is a diss or a Cycos-style compliment, but keep it up!
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