Staffman Rocks

Hardworking attorney / man of the people / super-hero to fans of 1963 Ford Fairlanes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spend Money to Make Money

The first step in correcting my laziness has been taken.

I just filled out my Bar Exam Loan application. This is a loan that will allow me to live for around 5 months without doing too much of anything except study for the bar.

Because I'm going to live in D.C., I'm going to have to spend quite a bit of money on rent and living expenses and without any form of income, it's going to be very difficult to maintain myself in the manner to which I'm accustomed. (By that I mean mostly what I like to call "eating" and "having health insurance.").

Next step: Find a place to live and fill out the bar application.


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