Staffman Rocks

Hardworking attorney / man of the people / super-hero to fans of 1963 Ford Fairlanes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Independence Airlines or Why Does Dennis Miller Always Ruin a Good Thing?

So, I visited my parents this last weekend, which was cool. When visiting my parents I generally don't have to shave or bathe or care for myself in any real manner which is always very nice. However, this post is not about my lack of personal hygiene... rather, it's about Independence Airlines.

I flew Independence for the first time this trip and was very, very pleased. Not only does the beverage service include a full can of soda, orange juice, etc., but you also get two legitimate snacks (either a funsize bag of chips, cookies, or even a Nutri-Grain bar... I recommend Strawberry) and they even offer a hot towel service (although it is much more accurately described as a luke-warm wetnap service.).

In fact, I only have one complaint. The safety instructions were recorded by Dennis Miller. Well, that's not entirely true... In a true attempt to bring your destination to you, the recording changes based on where you are going. Dennis Miller was for going to Washington. Some bumpkin whom I didn't recognize was used for going back to Nashville, and coincidentily, liked much better than Dennis Miller.

I don't remember when Dennis Miller was funny, mostly because I'm pretty he was never funny... not even on SNL's weekend update. However, whatever talent he may have had is entirely gone. He lead off with an observational joke about why the first thing they tell you when you get on a plane is how to get off in an emergency. Not only was it unfunny it proved my theory that Dennis Miller has a reckless disregard for human life. Second, Dennis apologized for not having rehearsed with the flight attendant prior to the show... (pause for laughter)... Right. I didn't laugh either. Finally, Dennis ended his presentation with a shameless plug for Independence in which he thanked them for being an airline that cared and attempted to make things more efficient. I was always pretty sure that Dennis Miller had sold his soul... now I'm pretty sure he didn't get much for it.


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