Staffman Rocks

Hardworking attorney / man of the people / super-hero to fans of 1963 Ford Fairlanes.

Friday, April 01, 2005

On the Road

The hotel has wireless... This is good because it allowed me to take my sports law quiz. It's also bad because it froze up and locked me out of the quiz. I'm working on seeing what's up with that.

The bus ride up was fun. 9 hours on a charter bus watching movies with no sound. There was a keg (although I refused to get ridiculous... drunkenness at 65 miles an hour on a 10 ton bus is not my thing) and a spades tournament which is not finished and which I am still in.

Today we had softball practice. Like a man with the athletic ability of someone twice my age I strained my back. I'm in the sort of pain that should be reserved for elderly gardeners. I don't think it's that I'm that out of shape, but I also don't think Petey Pablo is a bad rapper. So you should take it for what it's worth. On top of that only one of the teams we brought has enough members to play. Luckily my team gets to play.

My interest in blogging is waining. There may be more later, but I'm not sure I'll keep this up.


At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep blogging so the Sexy Sea Cow can keep up with the Staffman's adventures.


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