Staffman Rocks

Hardworking attorney / man of the people / super-hero to fans of 1963 Ford Fairlanes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Target Audience

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of inspirational messages from church, t.v. etc. I mean, it’s normal that church and t.v. are filled with inspirational messages, but I feel like these are more on point than usual. I guess I’ve come to a point in my life where I share the common human experiences of the target audiences of both network television and church. For example, Dr. Bob on Scrubs last night summed up the entire episode by saying that “Nothing in this world worth having comes easy,” curing both this incredibly fat girl and Turk. I hope House had a similar message, although it’s unlikely because apparently House has to fire one of his lackeys. Although I usually don’t fall for the Hallmark greeting card bologna, it was good to hear it.

These morally inspirational sayings came in handy yesterday. I was able to work on a car again (a truck actually) and was relatively successful. Over the last weekend I was able to change the breaks on a small Japanese car with little to no trouble. Pumped up from that experience I attempted to change spark plugs on a Chevy Blazer. My friend “D-Nasty” said that it was time to switch the plugs and boom I was on board. Even better, he bribed me with a six pack of Miller Lite, which was entirely unnecessary but much appreciated.

I don’t know who at GM decided that spark plugs were the type of thing that should require tearing down the entire passenger side of the engine, but I hate them. I couldn’t even see the plugs on the passenger side, let alone get a wrench to them. I was able to find the point of distribution from whence you would think you’d be able to trace the plug wire to the plug. No. The General hath deemed this not to be so. The wires extended 3 inches and then sank into the abyss that is the GM V-6.

Undaunted by the prospects that lay ahead, I managed to change two of the plugs on the driver’s side. Although it took considerable effort, it was worth it because ultimately D-Nasty and I were successful. However, in performing all of that work, I think the D-Man and I were able to come across the real problem: when D-Nasty had his battery replaced the last time, whoever installed left the positive terminal only hand tight which means it may have wiggled a little. Cursed battery installer. Anyway, I earned 1/3 of the six pack by changing 2/6 plugs. Not bad, all in all.


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