Staffman Rocks

Hardworking attorney / man of the people / super-hero to fans of 1963 Ford Fairlanes.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Treo Addiction

It starts with casual use. I mean, sure, it's super convenient to have that little phone / email / mp3 player / internet browser / camera (contrary to firm policy, mine has one... lucky me) thing around. It's useful and cool, in a nerd-chic kind of way. You sort of get used to something the size and shape of a Pop-Tart (tm) straining between your thigh and your pocket, which, consequently, makes sitting new and challenging again.

Then you start to use it as a watch, casually checking to see if someone emailed you, looking up movie times, getting directions... that sort of thing. You don't have to use it... the Treo's just there, and, hey, you're not paying for it. It soon becomes second nature to pull it out during commercials and lulls in conversations (though you're still careful to coyly maintain eye contact with whoever is so rudely keeping you and the Treo from getting stuff done while removing it from your pocket).

At this point, the base of your thumbs rub comfortable grooves into the sides from all of the ridiculous, carpal tunnel inducing miniature typing. The disease progresses to where you actually leave important, real life situations to manage your Treo. You begin to realize that the spoken word is significantly inferior to electronic communication in all the various iterations supported by Palm's Treo line. People with Treos understand. Those without are envious.

Eventually, however, you end up staring at the 3 inch LCD screen at 4 in the morning simultaneously praying to and cursing the email gods because you haven't received an email in 5 minutes and 14 seconds (you can tell by the clock). In the final stages, you learn to tie your neckties and apply toothpaste to your toothbrush with one hand while you deftly finish your 70 page masterpiece of an email on why burritos are actually just soft tacos in a greater stage of completion. That and you send emails to yourself. Oh, sure, you claim you're just "checking the system", but we both know you're in trouble and you need your "ding" fix...

Time in possession of Treo - 11 hours, 31 minutes. Squarely in stage 1 of addiction.


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